Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

There are various RTO form that are needed to fill while applying for driving licence or for vehicle registration. One has to follow certain guideline in order to apply for vehicle registration or licence. Below are the list of forms and its use when it comes to RTO.

What is RTO Form-1 ?

Form 1 application is basically for declaration form of physical fitness. This form need to be filled from applicant declaring if he/she suffers from any disability or disease that might cause hindrance in operation of driving a motor vehicle.

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Form 1-A is a medical certificate form that need to be filled by a registered medical practitioner appointed by the State Government or authorised person on its behalf by the State.

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RTO form 2 is the application for learning license. The form is online available all you need is to fill this form while the renewal of learning license as well.

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RTO form 3 is used for Learner’s License. This form is use to get the learner license for a vehicle. This form can be filled online by visiting the Sarathi website of the Ministry of Road, Transport and Highways. The applicant will have to visit the concerned authorities as per test booking slot.

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Form 4 is the application to get the permanent License and this is only possible once you have applied for learner license. The form form is also available online

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Form 4a is the application to issue international driving permit to drive a motor vehicle in other countries.

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Application for the addition of new class of vehicles to a Driving Licence. Example if you have your license for Motorcycle and if you need to add LMV to that then you need this form.

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Form 9 is used for renewal of the existing driving license.

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Form LLD is ised to get duplicate license this happen in case of lost or damage of existing DL

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Form 20 is used when applicant has to registration of new vehicles (RTO Registration)

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Form of application for renewal of certificate of registration of a motor vehicle, other than a transport vehicle

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Form 26 is used to get the n for the issue of duplicate certificate of registration.

To be made in duplicate if the vehicle is held under an agreement of hire-purchase/lease/hypothecation and in triplicate if the original registering authority is different, the duplicate copy and the triplicate copy with the endorsement of the registering authority to be returned to the financier and registering authority simultaneously on issue of duplicate certificate

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RTO form 27 is used for assignment of new registration mark to a motor vehicle (to be made in triplicate if the vehicle is held under an agreement of hire-purchase/lease/hypothecation the duplicate copy and the triplicate copy with the endorsement of the registering authority to be returned to the financier and original registering authority simultaneously, on the assignment of a new registration mark)

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Application form for obtaining no objection certificate

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Also read :- Use of Form 28 (NOC), 29, 30, 35 in RTO

Application form for transfer of ownership also known as Sales Letter

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Application form for transfer of ownership also known as a Sales letter

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Application form for a death certificate

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Application form for registration of public auction vehicle

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Application form for address change in registration certificate of vehicle

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Application form for hypothecation Endorsement and it is used while obtaining a loan

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Application form for hypothecation termination which is used after the loan is cleared

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Application form for income tax Information

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Application form for income tax exemption case

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What is RTO IDP ?

Application form for getting an International driving permit

What is RTO PSV ?

Application form required for Public Services Vehicle

What is RTO Application-A ?

Application form for verification of the antecedents

What is RTO Character Certificate ?

Application form for verification of character

By admin