Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

Traffic affects us all, directly or indirectly. Students are taught lessons on traffic protocols, laws relating to it, and safety on the road. Traffic light signals, Zebra-crossing, when to cross the road, everything is included in their schooling years. By the time they are eligible to drive on their own, they are aware of the basic safety and traffic laws. But a person needs to be updated with the latest amendments that take place in the safety laws.

If a person is found breaking the traffic rules & regulations, a challan is issued against the name of the vehicle driver. A challan is a document released in the name of the driver who breaks the traffic rules and a penalty is imposed upon him as a result of breaking the law. This penalty is dependent on the type of violation per the Motor Vehicles Act. With the increasing number of road accidents, challan helps the traffic police to better ensure the implementation of the traffic rules. If this challan is generated through the Electronic Challan System is called an E-Challan. E-Challan is are a great initiative to ensure better transparency and improved services.

What is E-Challan? 

Jharkhand traffic police have designed the e-challan system to improve traffic management in the state or effective implementation of traffic rules and regulations. Under this system, violators can pay their challan from the ease of their homes. No need to stand in long queues anymore.  Users can visit the Jharkhand traffic police website, to avail themselves of the online services. This website is designed to assist the public and to ensure better safety standards are maintained by the public on the road.

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Key features of E- Challan include: 

  • Statistical reports containing information about the traffic violation.
  • A secured payment gateway to submit the penalty online.
  • Downloadable challan records.
  • Instant messaging through SMS about the challan information.
  • Online tracking of a violation.
  • Cashless payment is available for challan submission.

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How does it work?

If you are caught violating the traffic laws in Jharkhand such as driving without a helmet or a seat belt, jumping traffic lights, or speeding above the limit, then you are liable to pay the fine. The authority to capture the image of the violators has been given to the traffic police in Jharkhand. The complete data about the violation and the details of the owner are sent to the management. The management sends the E-Challan to the violator via SMS. This SMS contains complete details of the challan.

Also Read : Pollution Certificate (PUC): Procedure, Status, and Cost

How can I check the status of my E-Challan?

  1. Visit the website:
  2. On the homepage, click ‘Check Challan Status’
  3. A new page will open up, where you need to enter either your Driving License Number or Vehicle Number.
  4. ‘’No challan found’ dialogue may appear if no fine or E-Challan is against you.
  5. If there is a pending fine against your name, then the details about the challan will be shown on a new page.

How to pay the E-Challan online?

  1. Visit the website:
  2. Enter any of these:  1.E-Challan Number, 2. Driving License Number, 3. Vehicle Number.
  3. Enter the Captcha code and click ‘Get Detail ’
  4. The new page will show you the details about the E-Challan.
  5. Under the payment column, click on ‘Pay Now.
  6. Choose the payment mode: Can be net banking, debit card, or a credit card.
  7. A confirmation message is sent to the registered mobile number when payment is received.

Traffic fines in Jharkhand

Traffic ViolationsFines
Traffic signal violationRs. 150-500
Driving in a restricted areaRs. 150-500
Dangerous parkingRs. 150-500
Blowing Horn UnnecessarilyRs. 2000
Dangerously overtakingRs. 150-500
The unlawful seizing of a vehicleRs. 5000
Without insurance drivingRs.2000-4000
Driving without PUCRs.2000
Driving an unregistered vehicleRs. 2000-4000
Use of vehicle without a permitRs.10,000
Overloading a commercial vehicleRs.20,000 -1 lakh
Carrying extra passengersRs.200- 1000
Not using a helmet or safety beltRs.1000
Stopping the way of an emergency vehicleRs. 10,000
Driving a tinted glass vehicleRs. 1000-2000

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Is there a different challan for different cities in the same state?

No, the traffic laws remain the same in the whole state, and do not vary from city to city.

Can I use an application to know the status and payment options in Jharkhand?

Yes, Jharkhand Traffic Police has an official E-Challan app. This app can be used to check the details as well as payment for the E-Challans.

Can I pay my E-Challan offline?

Yes, you can visit your nearest police station and pay the fine. Before paying let the officer know the details of the E-Challan.

RTO Office » Jharkhand » E-Challan Jharkhand: How to check the status and pay Challan in Jharkhand?

How to check challan and also pay E-challan?

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